We have tried to answer everything in our FAQs, but we will love to hear from you if you want to challenge us with a question. We offer 24/7, reliable, BlufVPN support with your subscription. So come along and ask us something, please. Our VPN nerds need practice speaking to people.
Unfortunately we cannot give you answers to big questions like the meaning of life, are we alone in the universe, or is the fastest speed possible really the speed of light? You need to figure out yourself if you want to carry on in your relationship, or if you should quit your job.
But, we know everything there is to know about internet security, privacy and VPNs. So we would love to hear from you about those.
These are topics we would love to talk to you about, and give you the answers you need to enjoy the best VPN service.
It could not be easier to contact BlufVPN.
Of course, if you feel like BlufVPN might not be for you, we have a 30 day money back guarantee. That means you’re welcome to a month of Bluf on us.